Monday, January 19, 2009

Mile markers

I am not sure when you started school, but we started in late August. We are starting our 22nd week of school. I can hardly believe it!?!?! More than half way done! I like tracking our progress. I like knowing where I am and where I am going. It feels good to see what we have done and it feels even better knowing the goal is almost accomplished! We tried a new history curriculum this year and LOVE it, especially our projects. Our piano curriculum is also new. All girls are having success with that...even the 6 year old with a cast! She just showed me last week that she, in fact, CAN do her piano lessons with a cast on her arm! I haven't done as much science as I had wanted, but can focus on that in the spring and early summer...when bugs and birds are actually moving! Math is going smoothly and art has actually been getting done (well, most of the time!). So, here is to 18 more weeks of diligence and fun while we make our way through another year of homeschooling together!

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